San Pedro Cactus

Any help on growing this Grecca would be much appreciated ??

I've tried only grafting Grecca's and none have been successful. Would it be possible to just throw this lil dude in soil ??

by Cannibalistic_Taste

1 Comment

  1. limpDick9rotocal

    Those little bastards dry out so quick – before grafting try soaking dryer cuts in water for an hour or a few. That’ll help get their juices flowing! Regarding rooting that fella is REALLY small and you risk a high chance of etiolation but other than that I can see why you couldn’t try to root it. Just FYI they can take up to a year or more to produce roots. Personally I’d work my odds again at grafting with a tip, a butt, and two slab grafts outta that little bastard

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