
My baby variegated alocasia that arrived a week ago is already growing a new leaf!

So exactly a week ago I became the proud first-time parent to this lovely baby Frydek 🙂 It's only my second alocasia, my other one is a very hardy Polly that has been growing beautifully since I got it last year and has given me no trouble at all.

I did all the research I could on how to care for it and have been babying it ever since it arrived, since I keep reading that they can be pretty fussy. The soil doesn't look great for alocasia but when I asked here about repotting it, everyone advised me to wait, so I will wait until spring.

I was expecting it to go dormant for a while from the shock of being mailed (even though I got the most expensive shipping so that it would only spend a day in transit) and having to adapt to a new environment. Didn't expect any new growth for at least a few weeks or maybe even a few months, and I thought I'd be lucky if she didn't drop any of the leaves she arrived with and just stayed like that for a while.

Well, lo and behold, 3 days after it arrived she suddenly had a new leaf growing!! (first pic) I was in total shock and beyond myself with happy excitement :)) There was no new growth when she arrived (second pic) and for the first couple of days (I was checking on it twice daily) so the fact that she started pushing out a leaf so quickly tells me she's really happy with her new environment 🙂

It is now a week since she arrived and the new leaf is growing very fast (third pic) and I'm super excited to see what variegation it will have 🙂 I'm checking up on it several times a day to see the progress :))

In the meantime, I also got a silica supplement that I started watering it with, so hopefully the new leaf will be in very healthy shape.

This little alocasia is making me so happy! 🙂

by Savor_Serendipity

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