
Ehat’s a cheap way to test my compost quality?

Hey everybody,
I recently sieved my compost and stored it so i can soread it around in my garden once the fall hits. I've been wondering if anyone knows a quick and easy way to test the quality of my compost.

I'm not looking for labs i can send it to (i'm in the netherlands and i don't think we have them here, at least not available for consumers).

i've read some tests where u put different teabags in the compost and if they decay is less than x amount of days, its good. I'm looking for experiments like that.

I've added some pictures of my compost so you cab enjoy. I harvested over 300 liters, which im pretty proud of.

by Jhonny_Crash


  1. BodyCenteredCubic

    Takes some compost, add radish or other microscreen seeds. Could the number that sprout out of the total

  2. Skinnymalinky__

    Just sow some spare tomato seeds or anything that should easily & quickly germinate. Compare the results to how well tomato seeds germinated in something you know is good.

    edit: if you find that trying to germinate in this untested compost yields poor results, it’s probably not quite ready.

  3. fecundity88

    It passes the eye test. I think your looking good

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