
Lemon Boy! 🍋

First year growing tomatoes and planted Lemon Boy on a complete whim.

Absolute 10/10, will definitely do it again next year — we’re still yielding the most luscious tomatoes (9a) and enjoying them daily. Sliced on seeded bread with cream cheese and a ton of black pepper is my current fave!

by jjttjjrr


  1. CitrusBelt

    I grow it every year; it’s a *very* sturdy & productive variety, especially if you live in a hot climate.

    [Many folks consider it bland, but some really like it; in any case, hardiness and productivity are hard to beat for a tomato with the size & vivid color of L. Boy!!]

  2. shonel34dr

    One of the best; They are supposed to be hybrids, yet saved seeds produce a fruit that is just like a Lemon Boy.

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