Plant Clinic

Help me with this guy! Leaves drying out and cant sold.

Help me with this guy! Leaves drying out and cant sold.

by Flashy-Expression-95


  1. Flashy-Expression-95

    I have tried everything. Low light, high light(Always filtered)
    Trying to keep the soil mostly damp, but plenty of drainage. Currently in clay, but was in plastic previously.
    I am spraying the leaves with a mister each day.

    Still the leaves are curling.

  2. Turbocat12

    I would say it’s over watered and to let the soil dry out between watering and stop misting the leaves.

  3. badjokes4days

    Are you using tap water? If so stop. Also… you need to let the soil dry out at least the top inch or two before watering it again.

    Distilled, filtered or Rainwater only.

    I would also pull it out of the pot and check the roots, if they are coiling around it’s time for a bigger pot.

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