Plant Identification

Mystery grass I used to pick for wildflower bouquets in east Texas

Mystery grass I used to pick for wildflower bouquets in east Texas

by Not_a_werecat


  1. Not_a_werecat

    Sorry for the awful illustration. (Not a perfect rendering. I can’t remember if these were opposite or alternate or what the leaves looked like. I think it just looked like regular grass blades, but not 100% certain on that.)


    I’ve been looking at native Texas grasses and I haven’t been able to figure this one out. Similar structure to witchgrass/switchgrass/lovegrass, but none of those are quite right. These were relatively short plants. I don’t think I ever saw them more than a foot and a half off the ground. The top portion with the seeds usually measured about 4 inches. And unlike the previous grasses, these kept their shape very well. They never drooped or cascaded like most grass blooms. The terminals were chunky and squarish-like pictured and the stems were very thin and wispy.

    Often found them along road ditches growing with primrose, wine cups, purple lovegrass, and dallisgrass.

    Does anyone have any idea? This is driving me crazy and I’d really appreciate the help!

  2. Weak-Childhood6621

    Could be a thousand things. Mabey panic grass or stitch grass?

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