Plant Clinic

Is this too much light?

Is this too much light for my calathea orbifolia? 10 watts each light so 40 watts in total , sansi grow lights (the pot has drainage and I water it from the top every week or so whenever my “picture this” app tells me to basically lol) I’m a total beginner so don’t come for me!

by ResearcherMobile6847


  1. razorbillyz

    Actually, probably not enough. The strength of the light diminishes significant the further away it is. I believe grow lights like this need to be within 30cm to actually be effective. Lower all the lights so it’s directly over the plant.

  2. There’s about zero chance you’re going to give any plant “too much” light using artificial sources. Nothing we can create inside our homes even comes close to direct sunlight.

    Your Orb will do fine with those, assuming you have some humidity in that room. In my experience with this plant its the humidity they really crave.

  3. Will be fine those Sandi bulbs are quite bright if you get them too close you’ll burn circles in the leaves ..

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