
Removing Vinca Minor

I moved into a house near the end of 2023 and made a plan to get rid of the Vina Minor during the summer. OMG has this been a task.

I have tried various techniques and various tools, but nothing seems to work that great. So far I have found upturning the soil with a shovel to be "easiest".

I cannot seem to get all of the roots though, they just snap. I have tried tracing the roots, but the clay soil isn't cooperating with it.

Attached are a few photos of "progress". Haha

Any tips on how to get the remaining roots out?

by PumpkinCertain1675


  1. BrewMasterJay42

    That stuff is no joke to get rid of. Honestly, if the roots are snapping like that, maybe try soaking the soil first? Clay can be super tough when it’s dry, so giving it a good watering might help loosen things up. You could also try using a garden fork instead of a shovel. Also might need to call in a landscaping expert to get this one done.

  2. AlltheBent

    Hey, you’ve done some damn fine first steps here so at least you’ve got that! What are you gonna plant in its place?

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