

So it’s been just shy of one month. The green onions (planted from farmers market cuttings) 2 butter lettuce (from seed) and a basil (pathetic) have grown. In my setup, the water runs continuously and the water level is highest in the front rail, and gets slightly lower for the back 2 rails. The water level is maybe an inch from the top when the pump is running. I know that’s too high but with two big aerator stones I thought there’d be enough oxygen. My aero light is running at 43% intensity. I have a solid nutrient kit and air-stones going. Also, these is foam (very small amount) in my reservoir.

My guess is that the water level caused things to rot in the front rails and maybe my light is too high? I have been tinkering with the pump and if I turn it off, the rails can be relatively empty. So should I turn down the lights and turn off my water pump periodically? If so, how often should the pump be off and on? Also, the light has a built in fan but maybe it’s not strong enough. Should I consider getting a small fan? The tent is sealed shut but I keep 4 small vents open

by G-I-JEW

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