Horticulture Terrariums

Too many plants?

Hello all. My terrarium is a couple weeks old now. Some of the polka dot plant died around the edges and one leaf of the prayer plant (around the back) is now yellow. Soil is still quite moist and growing a little mold. I have a layer of leca and a net on the bottom separating the soil mixture to prevent drainage issues. It gets decently bright light all day but I’m worried it won’t last long at this rate. No condensation yet (but it’s not super sealed). Should I take a couple of the plants out and try again or leave it as is? (7 plants rn)

Thank u!

by disgracefulbirding


  1. >. Soil is still quite moist 

    May be a little too moist, may want to add some perlite or similar to add aeration, and maybe some charcoal if there’s not any.

    If the polka dot plant was done via cuttings, next time ensure it was well water a few hours before that — they can get picky and be a bit fragile. If the leaves die but the stem doesn’t, can leave the stem as it may be able to recover from that.

    Plants take time to adapt to new conditions, and sometimes they just die despite best efforts.

    Personally, while I’ve seen prayer plants and aspargus ferns in terrariums, I would not use them simply due to their rate of growth, how big they can get both being high, which makes maintaince annoying. Baby rubber plant/peperomia I do have in some terrariums. I wouldn’t be too concerned about a leaf dying from a prayer plant tho.

    Personally also, I can stuff a lot of plants in to a terrariums (see my most recent post for example lol), so I don’t think overcrowding is the issue atm, the soil being most suggests to me they have root space if there’s enoughs oil to stay moist.

    that’s a very cute terrarium btw, where you’d get it?

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