Grafting Plants

First time with opuntia… eastern prickly pear -> lophs.

First time with opuntia… eastern prickly pear -> lophs.

by gplanon


  1. g0ing_postal

    Woah, I’ve never considered grafting to opuntia this way. I always see it grafted along the edge. I see no reason why this wouldn’t work though. I’m looking forward to updates

  2. Deathed_Potato

    Did you carve in? How’d you apply pressure

  3. Very interesting approach and it seems like your scions may have taken. Can you please elaborate on your approach?

  4. Virgmantx

    Also curious about how you carved into the stock, what an interesting end result. I know a lot of people have a lot of opuntia laying around. Kudos on your graft!

  5. Vadersfist_86

    Super interesting! Would also like to know your method.

  6. wpcodename

    I just tried grafting with Opuntia similar to this on the flat of the Paddle, we’ll see if I have any luck.

  7. karmicrelease

    Cool! As long as the vascular ring lines up with the areole it should work just like any other graft I suppose

  8. Professional-Break19

    Opuntias are shitty grafting stock they will start making pups from every single areole instead of helping the scion grow and if you do end up cutting out all the areoles they’ll just pop new pup from elsewhere tried it in all kinds of different cactus and its just not worth it 🤷

  9. CurtisMarauderZ

    That… I want to be angry about it, but this really is brilliant. You get maximum sun exposure for the rootstock plus overwatering resistance. The only issue might be an excess of branching hormone from the opuntia, but once the scion gets big enough that should even out.

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