
Erosion Problem

Hi Everyone, I'm looking for some advice. Do you think there is any kind of terracing or retaining wall that can keep this from happening again?

Backstory, skip this part if it is too long:
I bought a house 9 months ago. The small backyard has a fence and the back right corner had collapsed. What appeared to have happened (it was already like this when I moved in) is that a large tree had fallen over and taken a large chunk of land with it, and the dirt had eroded from beneath the fence until it fell over. This summer I dumped 10 tons of dirt in there and repaired the fence. I planted some small plants and seeded grass and left it. Last weekend I got a month's worth of rain in one day, and discovered this had happened.

The area is pretty steeply graded and leads to a small creek about 15 ft down. I just want the land around the fence to stay put.

by diyfishcafe

1 Comment

  1. Ok-Number-8293

    Water flow, if you can intercept / redirect the water flow that should address it, also building sand / river sand won’t help you and nothing will grow either, might try and scoop up and put it in flood bags flood sacks, but all that will be ash away

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