San Pedro Cactus

Time to plant or let roots grow in perlite more?

OK, got one root on my ss02(right) and 3 on my ogun, but just nubs, should I put them back in perlite to grow a little more or right into the soil? They've both been in perlite for 4 weeks. I gave them a few squirts of water at the 3 week mark since that's what I did to my first cutting in perlite and it rooted 2 weeks later, but that root was like 2 inches long when I planted it. Just a tad nervous 🙂

by bobbobson1967


  1. Groundbreaking_Ask14

    I let mine root in soil from the beginning. I start giving light light waterings here and there when I start seeing roots.

  2. KittehPaparazzeh

    I put calloused cuttings straight into medium and leaves them on the side of the house so they get morning sun then shade. After two weeks I start gently tugging every few days. When I start feeling resistance from roots holding the get water and moved to a full sun exposure.

  3. MetalOxidez

    If it is still growing season it is okay to go ahead and pot but I would wait two weeks before watering and my first watering would be very light. This is assuming 50/50 soil mix.

    Those little nubs will produce fine little roots very quickly if it’s warm and growing.

  4. Wiley_Jack

    Once a healed cutting shows root initials like this, I gently (don’t break the roots) plant in my Trich mix and water it in. You’re way past the danger zone.

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