Plant Propagation

Cactus actually growing!

So here’s the story:

I bought a cactus, he stood a foot and half ish tall, had some arms. Eventually he slowly got a bit squishy, and then his arms started drooping. He got real sad, and I put him in a corner and ignored him and never set with it. The drooped arms got dry at their bent creases, so I cut/broke them off and just laid them in the pot, was going to throw it out eventually. Those little pieces now laying on top of the soil apparently my started to root, so I gently picked them up and rearranged them better so they could maybe root properly.

A month or so later one is growing a tiny pickle looking baby!!!!! I’ve never been so excited to see a prop succeed, and honestly had no hope it would, but I was super excited when I saw this yesterday!

Ps: the trunk of my original cactus, is still sturdy and rooted happily there in the middle, it never got squishy, just its limbs did. I definitely don’t over water it, why does this happen?

by Few_Entertainment266

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