Houseplants Circle Jerk

Found in the wild!

Found in the wild!

by Intrepid_Mushroom995


  1. OkTree1871

    Bullshit, your plants only thrive when they are covered and blasted from growlights 24hours a day. Did you ever see a plant with a pillow and a blanket? Right, thats because they don’t sleep.

  2. dothesehidemythunder

    Would you turn off the sun??????

  3. Zestyclose-Coffee732

    Listen, and we have to say this quite a bit here, plants can SURVIVE in low light but that doesn’t mean that they will THRIVE . 

     Don’t torture your plants just because you read something on the internet. Do what you know is right — keep those lights on 24/7!!!!!!!! 💡🌿💡

  4. EducatorForward

    I can only imagine their electric bill

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