Gardening Australia

What should I do with my Birds of Paradise?

I was looking for advice on what I should do with my Birds of Paradise. I've got a pair of them but this particular one is getting quite tall (2.5-3m) and has now developed a lean and shifted in the pot from catching the wind. I can also see that it's starting to get a little root bound. I'm in a rental, so I don't want to plant it in the garden bed. Should I try and cut it back a bit? Take it out and reset it in the pot? Or realistically, should I just rehome it?

by asap_locky92


  1. misspookina

    You could always repot it in a larger pot

  2. RavinKhamen

    NB: Never put these in the ground (rental or not) unless you are happy for them to get 10 metres across, 15 metres high and destroy whatever is in their way.

    I would cut this down to the base, remove it from this pot and then find a smaller viable piece of the rhizomes to plant back in the pot (you could possibly split this into two pots and give one away).

    Essentially start again with a small viable part of the rhizome to grow from this pot again.

    I wouldn’t repot this into a bigger pot, any bigger than those and it just becomes problematic to move, repot etc.

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