
Pictures of neighbors house from mine — from previous post about neighbor that wants me to plant trees on my property so he doesn’t have to see my house.

First set of pictures are during the day views of his house from my back patio corner. First picture no zoom, second picture 2x, third picture 5x. Wants me to plant mature palo verde trees near his house. We have no need to add trees that far away from our house. His house is over 400 feet away and behind plenty of vegetation. Says we can see into his daughter’s room. I have no idea where that is.

Second set of pictures are at night from the top of my driveway (which is 250ft long from the road) 1x, then 2x then 5x. Again, no way I can “see into his daughter’s room”. He’s the one that says it’s our responsibility to plant trees to fill in the “privacy gaps” that were created from building our house.

by rsb123-2021


  1. JunkMale975

    If he doesn’t want anyone to see into his daughter’s room, it’s his responsibility as a parent to ensure that no one can. Tell him to go pound sand.

  2. Away-Elephant-4323

    I honestly don’t even see a bedroom i see maybe a television lit up but that’s it how does this neighbor think you can see in that far away is beyond me.

    I have never heard of it being required to plant trees for privacy i have personally never researched it but no one i know has ever said anything like that, if he’s that worried about it he should be the one planting a tree or getting some curtains good lord! Haha! Even if someone could see in his daughters room a tree isn’t gonna stop some creep from looking in if there’s no blinds or curtains i feel like the neighbor is just wanting a issue out of nothing.

  3. manleybones

    Couple of rich turds, disputing about their rich turdary.

  4. raiseawelt

    Tell your neighbor to plant his own trees on his own property with his own money. Or get fucked

  5. Mazkin17

    Plenty of rocks to kick. Tell him to have at it.

  6. sidewaysvulture

    I commented on your other post to say plant what makes you happy but seeing this post I also think your landscaping is already perfect for the location and I don’t blame you for not wanting to add anything.

    Blinds or a fence or a tree he plants on his property are the answer to his problems, guys a weirdo.

  7. whiteout55555

    That’s hilarious that in their head this was the reasonable suggestion here (beautiful property by the way)

  8. PerformanceTop9778

    Looks like a desert, is he going to tend to the trees regularly, and fork up for the higher water bills? Plus trees take years to grow, so you’re gonna pay a few thousand for matured trees, transport and installation.

  9. shadycobra00

    Rich beefs!! Yes!!!!!! Fight him for his property

  10. Forthe49ers

    Looks like the cactus is flipping him off

  11. abastage

    I would add a very bright overly sensitive motion light pointing at his house. Then if he keeps bitching opt for a bright orange paint job on your house.

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