Plant Clinic

This plant has been losing leaves like crazy.

This plant used to be really bushy. It has been dropping leaves almost constantly.
I found these whitish specks on taking a closer look.
The plant gets water once a week or so.
It gets a moderate amount of light since it is close to a south facing window.
I've treated with neem oil once

by srjrn


  1. Substantial-One9201

    Those white specks appear to be shed exoskeletons, I’m not sure what from…

    Look for pests that could have dropped them.

  2. SkvaderArts

    These look like spider mites to me but I can’t be sure… I’ve lost a few plants to these things so hopefully you have better luck than I did. I would recommend some treatments but the ones I tried didn’t work so maybe somebody who knows better than me can tell you if that turns out to be the case.

  3. greyhoundsaplenty

    If nothing else, take it into the shower and spray the leaves every few days. You can wrap a trash bag around the pot so the soil doesn’t get soaked. The water should knock the pests off. It’s not a cure, but it will sure slow them down while you treat.

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