Gardening Australia

What type of tree is this, and when is the best time of year to prune it?

Hi reddit,

I have this tree in my front yard which gives us beautiful sweet smelling flowers each spring. Unfortunately it’s directly under a power line so I’d like to trim but but am unsure of what tree it is and when the best season is to prune it, and how best to prune it?

Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Many thanks in advance to anyone who can help!

by mynameisluke


  1. ScaryMouchy

    It’s a port wine magnolia. I’ve never pruned one though.

  2. MainlanderPanda

    It’s fine to cut it back once it’s finished flowering

  3. Kachel94

    Holy fucking magnolia, that thing is huge.

    I have one in my hedge and it gets trimmed every other week during summer. Only the new growth. At the start of summer I usually trim it back really heavily and it handles all these trimming like a trooper.

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