Fiddle Leaf Fig

Leaves turning crisp white from top to bottom

Hi fellow fiddlers (idk why i said it like that), anyways so i bought an FLF about 2-3 months ago, and ive mostly kept it outdoor in shade for the first two months and now repotted it and moved it to a slightly less shady zone (receives light just before sunset). I live in a hot and sunny area so i tend to avoid giving it bright sunlight. I water every 2-3 days or so.
Anyways, onto the real problem, since i just started out gardening as a hobby, i realised that fertilizers are also a thing, so i dissolved 3 spoons NPK (20-20-20) in 1.75L water and gave it to all my potted plants (sprinkled on leaves). And after a week, while all my other plants were thriving, 2 of the leaves of my FLF started to turn crispy white from top to bottom, one of which also turned droopy…
I thought this would be due to the fertilizer staying on the FLF leaves and overdosing it or something. Anyways, i cut those 2 out and after another week, diluted 4 spoons of NPK in 2.5L water and gave it directly to the soil of all my plants (including the FLF cause me stubborn lol). And now the result is what you can see in the pics, what to do now? Is it even due to the over-fertilization or is the cause something else?

by PhdGirl24

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