Carnivorous Plants

Floppy traps?

Not quite sure how to put it, but these two traps seem to be getting very… Soft? Floppy? They've been getting sunlight for pretty much all the time it's around, and they sit under a grow light when there isn't.

Second pic is the closed one that did it.

by VaniRabbit


  1. Tara_Crane

    I’m no expert by an measure but the plant overall looks unusual. The leaves are quite veiny. I’m wondering what type of water you use and the frequency?

    They need rain water or distilled water, never tap water. And they do very well if the pot sits in a saucer with at least 1 cm of water in it at all times during summer months.

    Also, with winter coming they usually need dormancy so look into leaving them outside or a garage with a window over winter. Of course, no idea where you are and what would work in your area.

  2. MindyStar8228

    Shriveled leaves like that are a bad sign. They are dying, but the question is why? What water are you giving them, and what soil is that?

    Remember they aren’t tropical, they’re from North Carolina, and are bog plants that also require nighttime and dormancy.

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