
Update and more questions…

I posted my Silver Dragon alocasia to seek help about a month ago. I got some advice to feed which I hadn't been doing so I have been using a 20-20-20 fertilizer mixed in with the water once a month. I also tried increasing humidity with a pebble tray under her.

Most of the leaves that look the worst in these pictures are the ones that looked bad in pervious pictures. Some have died off entirely. But some of the more recent leaves are starting to get this issue too. There are new leaves coming up again now, I think. And maybe some new growth from the soil.

Some additional background, I bought her at a plant store in April. She put out some flowers in June and was looking great. I didn't appreciate that flower was so nutrient depleting. This has all been since then that the leaves have been yellowing and browning from the sides. I did pull her out of the pot so I could see the roots a week or two ago and the roots that I could see looked good. They didn't look like they were rotting or anything. I was watering once a week and as fall is arriving here I moved to once every other week.

Do I need some other nutrients for her? Perhaps do I need to put out the smaller ones into their own pots so they all have their own individual spaces and nutrients? If I have to separate them out, what type of mix should I put them in?

Thanks in advance for any help.

by InternationalFox8172

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