
Local Bonsai Enthusiasts in Indonesia

Just got back from a trip to Indonesia and was able to spend the last day in Bali visiting local bonsai enthusiasts and shops.
I lived in Indonesia like a decade ago, far before I had any inkling of interest in the hobby, but I had remembered how much they love growing yard plants.

A few of these pictures come from a community garden that local bonsaiists rent space in. They water twice a day due to how hot it is and a lot of the growers spend a lot of time together in the garden taking care of their plants and hanging out.
Another man I met keeps his trees on a balcony overlooking his neighborhood next to his family's Hindu shrine (which was currently decorated for a holiday).

It was awesome to meet and chat with some hobbyists who have some amazing trees and deep knowledge on caring for them. Trees I didn't know much about since I don't dabble in tropicals. I don't have a picture, but a lot of the big trees in the local garden had roots growing in cables down to the ground as far as 3 feet off the ground. This helps the trees maintain vigor and growth as though they were in the ground.

Was happy to grab some tools and pots from a local vendor and most of it even survived the transport home (and now I get to try out some kintsugi).

by TheComebackKid717

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