Carnivorous Plants

Help, my Nephentes is developing red spots in both leaves and pitchers, and I’m not sure what could be the cause.

I bought this Nephentes 3 days ago, and 2 days ago I noted a few red spots, which I discarded thinking it was just part of the normal lifecycle(Those were only in the leaves that had lost their pitchers), but since last day, I've noted that those red spots have started to appear in others leaves, and also the pitchers are getting red, which makes me think is not normal anymore. Here is a pair of photos

Problem is, upon trying to research a little, I found that this could be cause by overwatering, they could be sunburns, it could be that they are not getting enough food, etc so I'm unable to determine which might be the case, and how to act.

Recently I repotted it, but had a little problem where I didn't note that the new earth(Peat moss) was dry, so had to water it manually to get it wet, so it could be an overwatering problem, but also, I've noted the pitchers have had their lids closed all this time, so maybe it could be that they are no feeding correctly. Leave those 2 details here in case it helps to find the problem. BTW, this is an image of my improvised set up.

by NoirSkell

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