
New Sad Friend

Hey guys new plant parent here. I own one Begonia Maculata and it's still in it's infancy. This begonia was thrown in a bucket ready to go into the big dumpster in the sky and I asked if I could take it. They let me an alas here we are. Any care tips on how to bring ol girl back into existence? Stem is still thick and I watered her immediately when we left and trimmed her because her soil was dry to the bone. Anyways help a girl out. Fourth pic is our other new friend who is beautiful and bushy! 😍

by thatiswoof

1 Comment

  1. Onedayyouwillthankme

    Water is first, so you did good there. : )
    If it were me, next I’d put her in indirect light and keep an eye on how she responds. One or two leaves dying? Remove them, they might be rotted. Stretching for light? Move into a brighter spot. Looking transparent? Move to less light.

    I wouldn’t fertilize until she’s putting out new growth, and then mild until spring (assuming you’re in the northern hemisphere).

    Begonias are pretty tough, she should do well.

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