
Looking for pictures of species in the Plantago genus

Hi! I am not sure this is allowed, but I am a PhD student studying plants in the genus Plantago! As a side project, I am looking to collect pictures of Plantago, which grows all over the world, to use as a figure in my dissertation/a future publication. The pictures need to be original, (so not ones that could be found on Google) and as I would like some in as many different locations as possible.
So I was hoping some people on here would be interested in keeping an eye out for it in their own location, and sending a picture to me if you found it (plus the general country/region the picture was taken in!). Attached is a picture of one species in the genus, Plantago major!
Any species in the genus would be great! It is typically a weed, although it is grown as a medicinal plant or a vegetable in some places.
It’s scientific name is Plantago, and it’s common names include Ribwort plantain, common plantain, great plantain, broadleaf plantain, psyllium, Isabgol etc.
It would be fantastic if any of you could help me out!!! Thank you in advance!

by Hanlev99

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