Native Plant Gardening

First map attempt –please help!

This is the approximate layout of my front yard (East facing, but starting several feet from the house so will receive ~6-8+ hours of sun) in Northwest Ohio; it's currently grass with some very lovely invasive weeds. ✨ Please help me make this a native pollinator rainbow paradise! The shaded part is some existing landscaping that will stay; the little open spot has a Japanese maple and some hostas that will remain as long as they're healthy. Each square represents 1 sq. foot, and the drawn in squares represent a path we'll lay. Is this first attempt at a map realistic? I've read in general you want to crowd your natives but is this TOO crowded?

Also, I have a couple of different areas where I'll have some smaller milkweed paradises (mostly common, but some purple, swamp, white, or whorled if I can find any) for the monarchs! I've read milkweed can be aggressive, but if it doesn't matter then I'll incorporate more than just the butterfly weed into the rest of the yard!

Help, general advice, constructive criticism, and suggestions are requested, please!

by considerthelilies

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