Lawn Care

When to mow after seeding?

I top dressed and seeded a bare area of my yard on September 16th. It’s been coming in nicely so far and I’m trying to determine when I should mow. It’s going to rain tomorrow and I likely won’t have another chance to mow for another 7-10 days. Would now be too early? I’ve read mixed reviews but have seen that cutting early and often can help it to fill in. I also think mulching some of the leaves would be good. Any advice would be great!

by MowTown6a


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  2. wizardstrikes2

    I would wait 10 days. Later is almost always better than too soon with seeding

  3. Welcome-Putrid

    I’d also recommend waiting the 10 days.

  4. would wait , and get blower out to clear off leaves gently if you can

  5. nilesandstuff

    First mow, whenever it reaches 2.5 inches, mow it to 2 inches. Then subsequent mows at 3 inches (or higher).

    Only mow when everything is dry. If anything gets matted down, fluff it back up with a leafblower on low power.

  6. Either_Struggle_9350

    You should throw down some more seed

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