Plant Clinic

how is the health of my big guy

hiii, so I’m VERY new to plants and am starting to love them and become addicted but I’m still learning how to be a good plant mom. is he healthy? any tips to make him happier? Any tips are MUCH appreciated!!! 🫶🏻

by Huge_Pitch6406


  1. AcanthisittaLow8906

    Ok so you actually want to cut half of one of those big vines off, this’ll encourage new growth. With that Vine you can just mail it to me and I will take care of it for you ❤️
    Jokes aside I think you’re doing great this is a glorious specimen I’m super jealous. Just looks like it needs a GOOD soak. Saturate the soil with water until it comes out of the drainage holes. Then leave it. Personally with my own I like to let it dry out 50-70% before soaking again. But you’ll figure out what’s best as time goes on.

  2. Dark_Angel14

    He is so healthy! That’s a really gorgeous plant. I feel like he could definitely benefit from a change in soil. The soil in the pot looks so old and doesn’t seem to be holding water anymore. You don’t have to though. It’s a pothos. They survive anything. You’re doing a good job.

  3. WideAwakeandWorried

    He looks fabulous 👌 👏 If he’s been in that spot for a while, keep him there. It’s got great light judging by the variegation on the leaves. My advice is: when you think it wants water, wait a few more days. Ha! It works for me (ex-overwaterer).

  4. Delilah92

    Healthy plant, shitty soil. Replace it with an aroid mix. Yes, epipremnum is easy going and can live with bad soil. But I always feel like they deserve a good chunky mix as well.

  5. No_Reception8456

    If you can’t change the soil right away as others have correctly suggested, at least give it some water. Soil separating from the pot like that is a sign the plant is dry!

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