No Lawns

Feeling overwhelmed. Would love some advice in Tennessee.

We own 2 acres of land and are in the finishing month or so of building a new home just north of Nashville, Tennessee. I really want to use the space to plant native trees, native grasses, native ground cover and native wildflowers but I’m not sure where to start. We have existing trees, at least some of which will need removal. I have a hill in the back of the property (about an acres worth of land) that I’d love to make into a nice tall prairie and possibly maintain a path to walk through by mowing or possibly using a native grass for the pathway. I also have a large front yard that I’d like to have some trees and lower native grasses. Closer to the house, I’d like to have some ground cover, pathways, gardens etc. Maybe I even turn to clover for this area even though I understand this isn’t a native plant. My goal is to create a beautiful space which is beneficial to the environment, while also keeping regular maintenance and watering lower in the long term.
currently we have to have the slope in the back bush-hogged every few months. So, weeds are established. Most of the front of the property has been excavated therefore plants aren’t established in that whole area. Just some of it.
I’m just feeling overwhelmed with where to start with this project. I have so many questions.
Do I till the land first? Which plants do I choose? How do I plan all of this? Should I just pick a small area to experiment and learn first? What do I do with the rest of the land in the meantime? Is there a landscaper in the area that I can trust for natives that I can go to to help me plan all of this out? Can I even afford to make this happen?


by Evening-Upset


  1. Aerodynamic_Potato

    Start with the section that is the clearest, and once that part is done to your liking, then continue on to other sections. That’s how I’d do it if you’re feeling overwhelmed.

  2. CharlesV_

    Don’t try to tackle the whole thing at once. You haven’t even lived in this home for a year yet, so you have no idea how you’ll use the space. You don’t know how it is in the winter or if the wind constantly blows from a certain direction. Those are details you’ll learn by living there. I’d start by seeding some cheap grass seed on the areas with plain dirt just to prevent erosion. Then start coming up with a plan. The wild ones garden designs linked in the automod are a good place to start.

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