
Advice on pruning Ficus Ginseng

Hello r/bonsai community! I'm a beginner in the world of bonsai, and I need your expert advice on pruning my Ficus Ginseng.

[Image 1: Current state of my Ficus Ginseng]

This Ficus Ginseng has been with us for 12 years – my wife received it as a gift. It holds sentimental value, so I want to make sure I don't harm it. However, we need to prune it as we don't have enough space to overwinter it indoors in its current size.

[Image 2: Edited image showing my proposed pruning]

In the second image, I've used AI photo editing to remove the leaves and branches I'm considering pruning. This gives a visual representation of how I imagine the tree might look after pruning. My main concern is that this plan might be too aggressive, which could stress or damage the tree.

Based on the edited image, does my pruning plan seem appropriate, or am I planning to remove too much? Would you do anything differently?

I appreciate any guidance you can offer. I want to do this right and ensure our long-time green companion stays healthy. Thank you in advance for your help!

by CrMorph

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