Plant Propagation

Need help with propagating this plant!!

Long story short my parents are getting divorced and I have little hope that my dad will this plant alive (lol). This plant was passed down to us from my great grandma after she passed, and is yearsss old, in the original planter she planted it in.

I think there’s two versions of this plant that is planted. One appears to have more marbling on the leaves. Once my grandma passed we combined the two plants into the same planter, kind of like planting the two together after their passings. Mother and daughter. I’m guessing the first picture is sprouting a root? But I don’t know how to safely cut it without shocking the plant or killing it. Advice appreciated☺️❤️

by MegsB21

1 Comment

  1. jaggedlittleel

    This is a Pothos (I think) and luckily is one of the easiest plants to prop! It won’t shock the plant, and you’ll have a bunch of new baby Pothos any minute. You can chop that long stem, which looks a bit marbled, and depending on the light where you grow the new ones, the variagation might come out more. It doesn’t always though so don’t worry if you don’t see it right away on new growth.

    The best way to prop this is just chop each leaf off and include the little nub, the brown bit at the base of each life. That’s a node and when you put it in water the new root will grow from there. I would chop that whole stem and you’ve probably got about 6 props in one go. Pop them all in water and in a couple of weeks you’ll have roots.

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