Lawn Care

Overseeding progress update

“Before” pictures are from late July; overseeded August 20th; “After” pictures were taken today. Overall I’m really happy with it. I thought it would take at least another year or so to get this green and filled in.

Back in July I cancelled my subscription with a local lawn treatment company due to the lawn getting worse than it had ever been. I thought I’d try my hand at DIY lawn care. I purchased lawn guides from GCI and Lawn Care Nut, read up in this forum, and read a lot on Lawn Care Forum.

8/18: Applied Tenacity
8/20: Mowed really short, raked out dead grass, spread SuperTurf 2 seed (United Seed), then fertilizer, applied RGS and Air-8, then rolled over with a peat moss roller (getting the peat moss into the roller was my least favorite task of the day, by far)
8/27: Saw first germination (TTTF)
9/2: Mowed for first time at 2” (have mowed 4 times since, skipping from 9/10-9/25 due to heat wave)
9/3: Most of the lawn had been filled in at this point
9/23: Heat wave finally ended, and I switched from watering 3/day to 1/day

by dontlookatmynamekthx

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  1. AutoModerator

    Hey! Are you looking for information about how to overseed a cool season lawn? You can find a comprehensive guide [in this post here.](

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