Lawn Care

Fall Renovation (Dreaded Kentucky Blend 31!)

I’m going to be honest, you mofos talked a lot of shit about Kentucky Blend 31 the night after I put it down. To say I was freaking out would be a giant understatement. (Wife was ready to moved to Siberia if this didn’t work)

There is about 320’ of trench and French drain under here to hopefully fix the drainage issues and grow grass. Documenting it now in case I fuck it up somehow. Anywho, I know some of you are going to tout that whatever study that was done however, so far so good on that shit bag seed Kentucky Blend 31.

by SkullCrusherRI

1 Comment

  1. New_Reddit_User_89

    Wait until it matures.

    It’s a hardy grass, but it’s not as soft and doesn’t look as nice as TTTF, KBG, PRG, Fine Fescue, etc., which is why people don’t care for it.

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