
What’s happening to my roses?

I live in Northern Virginia and I've never had roses before, it's been very very wet here for the past week so I'm wondering if there is some sort of fungus infection or if this is normal for them at this time of year with the temperature dropping a little.

There is a lot of yellowing leaves with black spots and leaves falling off of the stems.

Any help is appreciated, thank you!

by ExtraDirtPlease


  1. Xeroberts

    Definitely fungus, probably a few other things too, roses are lousy with disease. You could spray with a fungicide but it’s the Fall, most roses look like this and it’s just a matter of time before the leaves drop anyway.

  2. internetsman69

    Yeah it’s fungal due to the wet conditions. Leaves will drop in the fall. New growth next year will be fine.

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