Plant Clinic

Am I a plant killer?

Hi, I’m new to houseplants. I feel like I’m doing everything wrong. Am I not watering enough/too much, do they need more/less sun? What can I do better?

by Amberie1313


  1. ElSedated

    Aren’t we all?

    But yeah, aside from the snake plant (the last one), all other plants are succulents and require similar care.

    Just keep in mind that all succulents thrive in dry, arid environments where water is scarce, which is why they store water in their thick leaves or stems. They prefer bright, indirect sunlight and can handle around six hours of direct sunlight per day, though too much direct sun in hotter days can cause burns. And remember that if they’re being kept on indirect light, they need to be gradually exposed to direct sunlight, so they won’t get damaged by it.

    Watering should be minimal; allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings, usually every one to three weeks depending on the climate. During colder months, succulents need even less water as they go dormant.

    Some of your pots don’t seem to have drainage holes, so you have to be way more careful about how much water you give them.

    They come from regions like deserts or rocky areas where the soil drains quickly, so it’s crucial to plant them in well-draining soil. **Overwatering is the biggest risk to succulents**, as they can easily develop root rot in damp conditions.

    The snake plant, has the same issues with overwatering, but is way more forgiving about light conditions. You can keep it in darker places and it will not die, although it can stunt they growth rate

  2. willa3218

    We are all plant killers, everybody who successfully keeps and cares for plants has also killed their share. It’s part of the learning curve 💚 in my experience, succulents will be happiest outdoors. It can be hard to provide enough light for them to grow happily inside, although you could try grow lights. Water them thoroughly only when the soil is completely dry, and wait for it to dry completely before you water again. Succulents can handle underwatering, overwatering will kill them fast. They really thrive on sunshine and neglect 🙂
    If you want to keep plants indoors and are looking for a forgiving starter plant, I recommend a pothos 🙂 they are hardy, and you can easily propagate them if something goes wrong. Best of luck to you on your plant journey! The r/houseplants subreddit is a wealth of information! 🩷🌱

  3. lukeydukey

    If you want to be hands on with your plants, Succulents are more or less the complete opposite.

    I killed a few of them before I realized they just need lots of light and minimal water. Like i forget about it for weeks at a time and then water it.

    That said, i suggest using apps like Planta or other ones to get a sense of watering cadence. If you plug in accurate info it should give you a decent ballpark / reminder of when to water.

  4. UniversalTragedy-0

    It’s doing something, I think.

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