Gardening UK

What will grow in shady side return?

I have this shady side return area at the back of my Victorian terrace that is pretty bleak as you look out into it from the kitchen and living room. I’d like to add some greenery… what will grow easily in containers, in this shady area?

I’d ideally like something as tall as the fence. I was thinking maybe bamboo in pots? I like the idea of climbing plants but might not be here for many more years.

Any ideas for something that will grow well in containers here and add greenery and foliage (ideally quite tall) quickly?

Thank you!

by sweet_pea83


  1. jonathing

    We had a similar spot at our old house. I’d built a pergola between the fence and the house and grew a clematis up onto it after taking up one of the slabs I believe I also had a hosta in the too but it was eaten by snails and didn’t survive. Further along we also had a shade loving (possibly more shade tolerant) Acer in a large pot as well as several ferns of various flavours. – I’d love to tell you the varieties but this was over 10 years ago and I’ve forgotten.

  2. sadsack100

    Ferns would look great. Have a look at joining the British Pterodological Society if you are interested.

  3. Majestic_Daikon_1494

    ferns, hellebores and conifers. these are evergreen as well so youll have winter colour. Also hellebores which flower in late winter/early spring.

    Hydrangeas and azaleas can do well with a little sun

  4. Scottie99

    Go onto a couple of plant sellers websites, they categorise by area.

  5. That_Touch5280

    Vertical herb garden on the fence, buy the growing supermarket ones, cheap as chips! Passiflora is rampant once it gets going the flowers are exquisite and the fruits are edible.

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