
Question about the potential age of these root cuts on a 30yr old Texas Mountain Laurel.

Do these look more like 4 hours, or 10 months? Theres also a picture of the other, deeper roots, will you guys also advise on those? Thanks. Lastly is the whole plant because cause it's huge, and just barely recovering from two brutal summers in a row.


I'm having a footing excavated at 12"x12" for, believe it or not, actually planting more native trees and shrubs in the yard.

This is right on the property line, the tree is about 2' back from this on my neighbots side, poasibly a little less.

Late November of last year, the first contractor came out and put in a barely 6"x6" footing, didnt finish, did a very bad job, and split with the money. He cut just about every corner he could have, including possibly these roots.

Prior to him excavating, I was adamant that he do everything he can to avoid damaging the roots of the tree, but I never saw the results.

Fast forward to yesterday, and the new crew does their demolition and removal of the previously "installed" wall.

My neighbor points out these obliterated roots which the crew had respectfully been asked to avoid.

Here's the thing, this second crew has been insane. It's 110° still, they just hammered out 135' of footer, have been extremely professional, accommodating, and thorough. We spent about 40+ minutes each on a bunch of other, equally "not my problem" details that they absolutely conquered with grace and poise. Grace and poise are not words you often use to describe contractors welding electric shovels.

I'm genuinely blown away if these guys would have hit the roots and not said anything. There's no additional debris from these roots anywhere, which isn't really saying much because, you know, trash cans exist.

Also noteworthy, there are two roots below tthese that also pass through the excavation, and those are largely in tact. I just can't believe they would blow through the top ones, and then not also take the bottom roots, unless I'm missing something.

Also, if there's any advice you guys can give about this situation, I'm all ears. I was thinking of asking them to build a little tunnel or something for the roots, or maybe just pour right over it without cutting it? Or should we cut the bottom roots?

Thanks again for taking a look at this specific problem.

by FiFTyFooTFoX

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