
What am I doing wrong? Wrinkly leaves. Anyway to find out if its over or underwatered?

So I got this Hoya about a month ago, transplanted from its nursery pot into this big pot. Its about 3/4 pinus and coco husk just to fill space and 1/4 aroid mix at the top. Its roots are pretty small, tbh. I checked for pests and theres nothing, roots are good, no rot. Watered everytime it started to get dry at the top and generally tried to not let it get bone dry. Where I am its VERY dry and hot but not sunny, altough she gets light all troughout the day. There’s also a humidifier going right next to it to help me and the plants.
FYI I dont use the moisture meter, I now know they don’t really work.

by i_love_cum

1 Comment

  1. godarkly

    Wrinkly leaves mean it needs water. I’d give it a good drink and then let it dry out again.

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