Rare Houseplants

Sunburnt monstera albo. Absolutely devastated

This is just me venting. I’m an avid plant collector. Currently I’m moving across the country and had to cut down my collection to just a handful of plants. And I only had space for one large plant, my monstera albo. Well I just stopped at a hotel yesterday and set my plants in the window, not thinking much of it. Then today I went to grab them and noticed the entire right side of my monstera albo was scorched by the sun. Half of its leaves as good as dead. All because I made a thoughtless mistake.
I’ve had this plant for almost 2 years. I got it as a small one leaf unrooted cutting, and I gave it my all to help it grow. Fertilizers, grow lights, greenhouse tent, pest spray, everything. It was one of my first “rare” plants. I saved up for a cutting for weeks. And now I ruined it within a day.
I know it’s silly to be upset over this. I feel ridiculous just writing it. But it absolutely devastated me. I care about this plant so much, and I feel guilty and angry at myself for ruining all its growth.
I know the plant will be fine. I watered it, it will bounce back, new leaves will come out and it will continue growing. But those sunburnt leaves will never heal. Now there’s going to be this empty, awkward side of it. It will never be as beautiful as it could’ve been.
I thought that maybe someone here could relate to how it feels to lovingly, painstakingly raise a plant for months or years, only to make a mistake and ruin it in the end.

by Plastic_Apricot_2890


  1. SnooRevelations1668

    I know tht feeling when your heart drops because you see irreversible damage or shock on one of your favorite plants. I’m sorry 😢

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