Plant Clinic

How do I start over rootrot ZZ

This ZZ had about 20 healthy petioles 3 months ago, in fact it was doing better than ever. It had doubled in size since I got it. Then I noticed leaves going brown and dropping. We had an extremely wet & cold winter and between a too big pot, lack of light, low temperatures, high humidity (from above conditions – condensation on windows overnight), plus watering it got terrible root rot

I previously attempted to start it over as I am doing right now but I'm wondering if I am wasting my time?

There are 4 main rhyzomes. I've included two angles on each (call them 1, 2, 3, 4). I've removed anything soft, including cutting roots in half. Everything in this pictures feels solid and "not loose"

The remaining petioles are all in a poor state (missing and discoloured leaves, very "leggy", and don't make much of a plant in their current state

The most recent location has been next to a window which gets minimal light due to falling in the shadow of the building most of the day, but is the brightest location available. In the afternoon a bit of sun reaches the window

What do you suggest? I have a 5th Rhyzome with a few roots from last time (4-6 weeks back) which I stuck in a pot but nothing yet

by juicedrop

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