Horticulture Terrariums

spores in substrate?

hi guys, I made this terrarium a few months ago in June, but my substrate is now overwhelmed with these like spores?? Looking for some advice as to what it is/ how i can get rid of it? I’ve attached a photo of the substrate i used, just wondering if it is known as a less than ideal mix? I have used it in another project and it was absolutely fine but am now reluctant to use again in case this happens! I also added a pinch of activated charcoal to the mix when it was created. The fern and moss are in there and doing well and have grown since I made it. Also attached a photo of how it looked after I made it back in the summer. All and any advice is welcome, I am still new to making terrariums but have lots of jars and plants ready to create more, but just worried about this happening again. Thank you 🌱🪴

by iiywam

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