
UPDATE: trial and error of my first tomato season

Hi all!! At the beginning of May I started my first cherry tomato project in 3.5 gallon pots on my apartment balcony.

After some googling, I realized I had gotten much too small of pots for the sweet million and sun gold I had purchased. After much debate and reading of redditor’s advice, I decided to forego a repot and just see how things went in the smaller pots. Live and let learn, and all that.

Happy to report that I was able to produce 300+ tomatoes combined from the plants (my bf kept track 😄). I was able to deal with the smaller pot size by doing A LOT of continuous pruning, using a stronger fertilizer, keeping up with watering and saying a prayer to the tomato gods.

I did notice towards the end of September that I reached capacity (growth slowed and fruit size was much smaller) but I was very content with my first year out.

Here are some pics throughout the season. Just wanted to post an update for any other first time growers!

Washington state does in face grow the heck out of cherry tomatoes, and so can you! Even in small pots.

by Toastyghost24

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