Plant Propagation

Worried about damage to my monstera cutting during travel


Last week, my friend gifted me a fresh cutting off her variegated monstera while I was visiting her in the UK . I wrapped the node and root in wet toilet paper and put it in a plastic bag. I then travelled with it in my bag for a few days while I traveled from the UK to Mexico. Upon arriving in Mexico, I took it out and realized that the root which had previously been on the node had fallen off. I have now placed the monstera in a glass of water but I have noticed that one of the leaves, which was unfurled, has started turning black. Will this node still be able to produce new roots and leaves? If so, what should I do to increase its chances of recovering ?

Thank you in advance for your help

by fromtheok

1 Comment

  1. philonotis

    well, the worst that can happen is that it will die, so i’d just do what you’re doing and try to let nature figure it out. plants are very resilient and they want to survive, so it is possible it could grow roots still – especially since it looks like there is still tissue there, even if it’s damaged. maybe get some rooting hormone to dip the end of the cutting in to help boost root production too!

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