Lawn Care

Do I need to do anything?

In September 2022, we bought a house with a really nice lawn. It has an irrigation system which I use as needed (a LOT this yr since it stopped raining once August hit). I used the Scott’s four step system this year as well.

Do I need to do anything before spring next year? I have not over seeded or aerated. Part of me thinks if it ain’t broke don’t fix it, but I’ve never really had a nice lawn before and I want to keep it this way.

I live in Ohio. And I am a novice.

by AugieDexter


  1. MemnochTheRed

    Sit back, crack a beer, and sit still in awe of your created environment.

  2. dz_beerz

    Looks great. Maybe hit with some fall fertilizer once it cools down.

  3. I wish I walked into a nice lawn. A lot of the hard work has been done, you’re in maintenance phase now.

  4. Lawnguyknowsall

    I would just buy a [robot lawn mower]( so you can actually do nothing!

    As long as you apply your couple times a year fert you could have an almost maintenance free lawn.

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