Indoor Garden

Help! All indoor plants losing leaves.

For the past few months, i’ve been having issues with all of my plants having brown spots and losing leaves after they turn yellow.

One of my pothos and one of my philodendrons have been the most affected. My neon pothos started to get overall yellowing leaves that would fall or break off easily. today was the first time i saw the tiny yellow dots as seen in photo. the rest of the plant is still perky and lively, but has lost a lot of leaves due to the issue.

The severely affected Philo has lost over half of the leaves, usually taking a full branch. this one also has the issues with brown spots.

My peace lily has been limp for awhile now, with the corners being translucent and brown. I moved it closer to the window to see if that would help, but nothing has been helping. for context, i’ve been a plant owner for a number of years now, so i am familiar with needing to adjust the frequency and quantity of water as needed. all plants are in pots with drainage holes.

My other pothos has lost 1 or 2 leaves, but has been fine overall.

I also have a new Hawaiian pothos and a monstera that have brown spots, but i believe it’s from being shipped. The hawaiian pothos also has a couple curling leaves, but no other plant has them.

I tried treating this with fungicide and i think it may have helped but im not sure since the issue has persisted. My apartment is a small studio that gets moderate-bright indirect light.

Where should i go from here?

by ledzeploveslamps

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