Indoor Garden

Need Advice for Willow Leaf Fig

Hello! Ive had this guy for 2 years now, and it was going quite well until the beginning of this past summer. I believe spider mites got onto it and started leaving behind webs, ruining leaves, etc. once i picked up on it, i started using methods to remove the mites. I could tell they were dying off, but my plant started to get yellow leaves and they would drop.
(Then I had to move, so i moved with my plant and tried to keep it in the same kind of brightish indirect sunlight.)
Eventually, i just used diluted neem oil and that seemed to do the trick. And watered it (perhaps a little too much) and replaced its soil (used miracle grow indoor potting mix) with some rocks at the bottom for drainage. Its getting a bit colder here, and i noticed the leaves were dropping much more. I couldn’t tell if it was from the neem oil, the over watering, the relocations, or the new soil… or maybe the temperature? Whenever it seems to have growth, the little new leaves shrivel up and turn black and crispy in the same day (idk what that means..).

The weird thing is, its never done this before in the past when it gets colder. And there are certain places on the plant where the leaves are so green and look great! Could there be root rot or root issues going on? What should i do to help my plant (i really dont want to lose it!). Should I propagate?

Thank you for your time!

by Agitated_College638

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