Carnivorous Plants

Nepenthes Sprouts Escaped my Microwave unscathed?!

Hey y’all, I got a seed pod of Boschiana x Veitchii hybrids in July that I set to work germinating. Left for Japan, came home to see the whole thing smothered in slime mould and algae. Basically just gave up at that point, tossed the container into a microwave to be sterilised and used the media (LFS) to grow some live sphagnum.

Fast forward to yesterday I notice little sprouts on the side of the transparent container I grow the live stuff in, and realised that I did indeed have some germination. I go through the entire container super gingerly and pull out something like 20 tiny seedlings, many of them basically growing right out of the seed embryos, so I’m pretty confident that they’re Nep seeds. Plus, I really doubt any thing would have survived being nuked.

I’m guessing that this is the same principle as how Ants are able to avoid being killed by microwaves because they don’t actually get hit by them??? Regardless this is so unexpected. But now I’ve got germination, what do I do with them lmao.

by Primary-Stage4493

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