Lawn Care

Absolutely clueless – trying to correct 2 years of zero maintenance after HOA warning

Hi, I'm sure this is this subreddit's least favorite kind of post but I have absolutely no idea where to even start. I spent a ton of money on sprinkler repair when I moved in two years ago, only for them to stop working two months later. I couldn't afford it again, so I just let my lawn go through two Texas summers without water, mowing once a month, until it was pretty much dead with only weeds. My HOA finally came down on it a few months ago, and I've just been pushing it of mind out of dread.

I've attached the pictures they included with all violation notices, and the exact language within:

"To bring this property into compliance, please re-sod grass to cover any bare areas."

Where do I even start? My front yard + easement is about 600-700 square feet. There were dead spots even when I moved in, my trees aren't big but they block most sunlight on such a small lawn. I'm guessing you can't just plop sod on grass & weeds, and I have no clue what tools are needed. I also imagine it's not easy getting rolls of sod to fit in a tight easement interspersed with trees. Is it ridiculous to even consider doing this myself? I technically only have 30 days before they send someone to fix it and bill me for it, but they allow more time if I formally show a plan/progress. If a job like this would be $1000 I have half a mind to just wait for them to do it, if it's $10,000 I've got to act fast.

I just need advice from someone who knows ANYTHING about lawn care – "Buy some sod, watch this ten minute video, and knock this out in two weekends" or "You're crazy, start getting quotes" or anything else, please give me some advice to help me out of this panic.

Edit: accidentally posted without the gallery, here’s a link:

by djcrumples


  1. crozbot87

    No pictures, but it’s a waste of everyone’s time and money if sod goes down now. Any cool season grass will be dead next summer and any warm season grass will go dormant and die out in a month before it’s had time to properly root in. I would see if you can get an extension until spring, then put down high quality Zoysia because of your shade.

  2. 56473829110

    You mentioned Texas, so I wanted to jump in and point out that HOAs in Texas **CAN’T** prevent you from replacing grass areas with drought resistant/water conserving landscaping. Grass won’t grow under your trees? Congrats, add some hardwood mulch, some rocks and a couple shade friendly plants – that’s now a water conservation friendly part of your lawn. Some parts of your yard too sunny/dry/poorly watered to keep your grass alive? Time for more mulch, more rocks, and some cacti/drought resistant shrubs.

    I strongly suggest looking up native, drought resistant plants that work well for you/your area. Texas A&M extension office has some pretty good resources online, and your closest big city likely will as well. 

    As for the HOA, please reach out to them and tell them you have a serious plan but it’s the wrong time to implement it – and it is, with our weather and this season. Tell them you’ll remediate any weeds and overgrowth but the sod will take time to properly implement. Get them to agree – in writing – to slow their roll. Call some local companies and get quotes to sod everything – even if you won’t go through with it – and when the HOA asks your plans you can tell them you’re taking quotes from those companies and making progress. DON’T tell the HOA you plan to go the drought resistant/water conservation route until you’re actually doing it – they’ll likely fight it, even though they don’t actually have good legal standing. 

    If you want specifics on any of this, hit me with a DM on roughly where you are. 

    Sincerely, someone with the best lawn in my Central Texas neighborhood and yet also most HOA upsetting hard in my neighborhood since I’ve nativescaped about half of it. 

    PS, reddit doesn’t let you post both pictures and text posts – you’ll need to upload your photos to imgur or somewhere else and share a link. 

  3. philty22

    Are you able to do Xeriscape and put down stones with some zero maintenance plants?

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