
Aquatic animal options

Finally planted and finished my paludarium setup. Added leaf litter, clean up crew and moss slurry to the walls.

I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for aquatic plants and animals. I was thinking just snails and shrimp but honestly don't know if there's even room for shrimp.

From my rough calculation there's only about 2 gallons of livable water space.

My main goal is just to get some aquatic animals and plants to keep the water clean and healthy. Would be a bonus if any fish could live in it.

Really excited to see everything grow in the coming months! Any advice is appreciated!

For reference the tank is almost zoomed skyscraper. 18×18×36

by steadysnipe66


  1. Stunning_Chipmunk_68

    A lot of aquatic plants are able to be grown emersed! Stick the roots of a Java fern or anubias in there! As for the shrimp, you could fit shrimp in there. They really don’t care too much how big it is, obviously opt for neocaridina

  2. OuterSpiralHarm

    Vampire crabs would work or possibly some fire belly toads.

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